Tuesday 13 February 2018

1. Climb a tree and sit in it for a little while. Document your experience.


I climbed a tree today. The tree in my back yard, in fact. After walking across my yard and finally sitting down on the tree, the past came to mind. I realized that it has been more than six years since I climbed that tree. It made me realize how fast time can pass once you let the consciousness of it go. A lot has happened in six years. It felt like my entire life was leading up to that one moment I sat up there, like a detective's board filled with cross-referenced dots and ropes leading up to one culprit.

The dogs next-door barked at me once I climbed. The last time I was there, those dogs weren't in the neighborhood. Once seated, I listened: cars thundering down the nearby streets, a group of men cruising and chuckling in conversation, swallows chattering. The sun was dimly lit as clouds obstructed its illumination.

The concept I extracted from this experience was climb.
This will be the additive to my next adventure:
Listening to an album you normally wouldn't listen to.

Thanks for reading.

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