Saturday 11 August 2018

10. Start a good habit by turning bad moods into good moods

The last assignment I've done included reading some material. I've found the concept of turning (turning pages etc.) very interesting, and will be using it as the pillar of my exercise that I'll be explaining shortly.

I was given the task of starting a good habit. So I figured, I can combine this with turning.

This week, I've been giving myself the challenge of willfully turning bad moods into good moods for an entire week.


The traffic was intense. This was the perfect day to start exercising my optimism muscles. I put on some calming music in the car, and I gave myself the challenge of not uttering a single swear word for the entire day that I drove and had seen injustices occurring on the roads. I was to absolutely remain calm, and it was way tougher than I expected. Give yourself a moment to reflect on the state of humanity, especially on the roads.


There was a lot of work I had to do. Again, I told myself to remain calm while doing the work and forced myself not to think and stress about planning and projects that I still had to do. Instead, I focused on all the things I was grateful for and all the good things that have ever happened to me. Brightened my day. I could focus again.

Wednesday- Thursday:

Wasn't a lot of stress on these days. The positive vibes from the previous two days that I had forced on myself worked, and leaked over to Wednesday and Thursday. I was relaxed, focused, and had a cheerful spirit to complete the things I had to complete.


This is where it hit the fan again. I started stressing about the next week's work, and my hand-in-dates for the week after that. As you probably have noticed, I tend to overthink things too much. I had to calm myself down after almost having a nervous breakdown. Again.
Positive things were hard to find now. Luckily I managed to keep the good things in life close to my heart. Enough to make it through to the weekend.


Phew. What a week. I can definitely say that I managed to keep the positive vibes going, even through the many perils and evils that I have faced. I know we all do this just to keep going, but I have learned the true importance and power of positivity. (Sounds cheesy, but it's true).

In this experiment, I have extracted the concept: "adjust".

I will be mingling it with my next task: Do something intentionally boring.

Stay tuned for the next episode in the series of my life!

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