Tuesday 6 November 2018

16. Go to a place you’re not supposed to be and think of a different use you would apply for using that specific place.

The previous installment taught me to think. I will now think of an already existing place and attach a new purpose for the use of that specific place.

Since it is known that I absolutely despise rugby (as stated and demonstrated in installment no. 14 of these wonderful exercises), I shall now come up with 5 different ways that I can re-use my high-school's rugby field for other purposes.

1. Open the field to poor folk on the street and build houses on the land.
2. Open an organisation that supports anti-bullying.
3. Plant trees there instead.
4. Use the field for cricket (or football or anything else).
5. Beat some tracks and open a go-carting business.

There you have it, folks. 5 good ideas that can destroy rugby once and for all. Consider it a favor.

Well, this is the last entry for the year. Thanks for all the reading you have done, and remember:


15. Give in to your worst impulses for a day and change your mind about viewing them as negative

Today I gave in to my worst impulses. It was fun on some levels, and not so fun in others.

In the last exercise, I derived the concept of "change". This time, I am going to change my mind about viewing my actions as negative, and try to understand why I was like I was. I am going to empathise with my bad behavior.

Now, I shouted at some relatives because they were in the other room talking with me, and I couldn't hear them. I shouted at them when they eventually came close enough to me so I could hear them. Chaos ensued.

I feel bad for the way I treated them, but it was because I was busy working in this one room, and I couldn't understand a word they were saying for the life of me.

Anyways, the second thing I screwed up was to get my relatives involved in a group mess that I was in with my colleagues at the time.
The reason I get others involved is not to complain about what I am going through and vent and vomit all my frustrations, but to get a second or third opinion or even feedback when I need it. This time, I neglected the chance and got into an arguement with the person that was supposed to be helping me.
The trouble was, they always agree with my bad decisions.
I learned that I should not give a crap about what others think or say, and just do stuff myself.

And that was that. Good stuff.

I derived from this exercise the power of thinking things through and analysation and pondering.

Next time, this will be implemented!

Lok'tar ogar!

Monday 5 November 2018

14. Do something you have no interest in doing

This week, I am tasked this week to do something I have no interest in doing whatsoever. The second application of this task, as demonstrated in the previous installment, is to come up with ideas.

Now, since I live in a rugby-crazed country, I figured that, being the eternal rugby-pessimist that I am, that I am going to invent 5 new rules for the game of rugby (this may include change or replace existing rules). Probably cliched or something, yes, but it is quite interesting to see how much I can mess up this game (insert evil laugh here), given that I hate the ultra-violence displayed and encouraged in this malevolent sport.

Now, here we go:

1. There are no penalty kick-outs. After every single scrum, there is a penalty kick.

2. However, in the place of a penalty kick, for the next 30 seconds of the next round, the cheated-against team may punch the opposing team with their fists to prevent them from scoring.

3. You may not use your arms or hands with regards to the ball. Only your feet and legs to "carry" it.

4. The time rules are changed. It is not limited to only 80 minutes, but the game ends when the first team scores 300.

5. When there are deaths on the field, no replacements may enter. This lasts until the end of the game. Replacements may be made in the next game that the team plays.

This exercise included the concept of "change". This will be implemented in the next challenge I participate in.

Goodnight and good luck!