Tuesday 6 November 2018

15. Give in to your worst impulses for a day and change your mind about viewing them as negative

Today I gave in to my worst impulses. It was fun on some levels, and not so fun in others.

In the last exercise, I derived the concept of "change". This time, I am going to change my mind about viewing my actions as negative, and try to understand why I was like I was. I am going to empathise with my bad behavior.

Now, I shouted at some relatives because they were in the other room talking with me, and I couldn't hear them. I shouted at them when they eventually came close enough to me so I could hear them. Chaos ensued.

I feel bad for the way I treated them, but it was because I was busy working in this one room, and I couldn't understand a word they were saying for the life of me.

Anyways, the second thing I screwed up was to get my relatives involved in a group mess that I was in with my colleagues at the time.
The reason I get others involved is not to complain about what I am going through and vent and vomit all my frustrations, but to get a second or third opinion or even feedback when I need it. This time, I neglected the chance and got into an arguement with the person that was supposed to be helping me.
The trouble was, they always agree with my bad decisions.
I learned that I should not give a crap about what others think or say, and just do stuff myself.

And that was that. Good stuff.

I derived from this exercise the power of thinking things through and analysation and pondering.

Next time, this will be implemented!

Lok'tar ogar!

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