Tuesday 6 November 2018

16. Go to a place you’re not supposed to be and think of a different use you would apply for using that specific place.

The previous installment taught me to think. I will now think of an already existing place and attach a new purpose for the use of that specific place.

Since it is known that I absolutely despise rugby (as stated and demonstrated in installment no. 14 of these wonderful exercises), I shall now come up with 5 different ways that I can re-use my high-school's rugby field for other purposes.

1. Open the field to poor folk on the street and build houses on the land.
2. Open an organisation that supports anti-bullying.
3. Plant trees there instead.
4. Use the field for cricket (or football or anything else).
5. Beat some tracks and open a go-carting business.

There you have it, folks. 5 good ideas that can destroy rugby once and for all. Consider it a favor.

Well, this is the last entry for the year. Thanks for all the reading you have done, and remember:


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