Tuesday 12 June 2018

8. Write down 100 questions that are very important.

Ok, so I have to write down 100 questions that are very important.

I will just throw it out there that these questions can vary in importance according to different people.
These are all questions that I want to know the answer to some day.

Let's begin:

1. Do all liquids contain water?
2. Why do dudes have nipples?
3. How many earths can fit into the sun?
4. If plants breathe and procreate, aren't they also regarded as animals?
5. How/ why do seasons exist?
6. Why do black holes exist?
7. Do dogs smile?
8. How do suns burn?
9. How are tears generated?
10. and why only when you cry or laugh?
11. In space, what is up and what is down (and vice versa)?
12. How/ why do we dream?
13. Why are days so short and nights so long in the North/ South Pole?
14. What happens in the cocoon when a butterfly is being made?
15. How does earth's gravity effect the moon?
16. What effect does the moon have on the tides on earth?
17. Why is it in our instinct to dance to rhythm or music?
18. Why do all healthy foods taste worse than the unhealthy ones?
19. Why is the grass green?
20. Is the grass really greener on the other side?
21. Is it better or worse to live now than in medieval times?
22. Why are Freddy Mercury's front teeth so large?
23. Why are some people's hair thicker than others?
24. Who invented musical notes?
25. Do crabs think fish can fly?
26. Why does a round pizza come in a square box?
27. Why are students often called "pupils"?
28. If nobody buys a ticket to see a film, do they still show it?
29. Why do people camp in the freezing cold?
30. What happened to chivalry?
31. Where has my mind gone?
32. Why are there unanswered questions?
33. Has anyone in history ever gotten impaled by a pole vaulting pole?
34. Has anyone in history ever gotten hit by a discus-throwing disc?
35. Why do people vote for candidates that are impostors?
36. Why do musical notes only go up to the alphabetical letter G?
37. Why do, if translated directly, Afrikaans call a camel a "camel-horse"?
38. Why, in their right minds, do people climb mountains?
39. Does blood flow in both muscles and arteries?
40. Isn't human life a little too fragile?
41. Why do we do what we do?
42. Why is the front of a ship called a "poop deck"?
43. Bread makes you fat?
44. Why can't dogs eat chocolate?
45. Why can't dogs eat peanuts?
46. Why is it that Sunday and Monday are so suspiciously close together?
47. Why do people buy 4x4's? Just...why.
48. Why isn't "sonder" considered an official word?
49. Why does mucus exist?
50. What is the fastest bps anyone has ever played on an instrument?
51. How wide is space?
52. What is so "plasma" about plasma televisions?
53. How many colours are there truly?
54. Why do cows re-chew?
55. How do you shrink corn?
56. Why does no one stop at stop signs?
57. Why are yawns contagious?
58. Why do we even yawn at all?
59. Why don't come cars, especially European ones, come with a thermometer? Especially if they are being sold internationally where climates are hotter?
60. Why do people skip traffic signs? (stop signs & red lights etc.)
61. How did Samson bind together the tails of the jackals?
62. How did he catch the jackals in the first place?
63. Why do people ignore to respond to messages, even though they've already read them?
64. Why do some animals eat bananas with the skin and eggs with the shell?
65. How old are you before it can be said you died of old age?
66. Why are nursery rhymes sometimes cruel and evil?
67. How did people tell time before the Gregorian calendar was instituted in 1582 or the Roman calendar by Julius Caesar?
68. Why do we say we’re head over heels when we’re happy? Isn’t that the way we normally are?
69. Why are most metal bands founded in the Northern Parts of Europe (like Finland and Norway)? It's the weather, isn't it?
70. Why, and how, are the nose, ears and mouth connected?
71. Why are awful movies/films/ television shows/music etc. so widely accepted and popular?
72. Why was Jeremy Clarkson fired for complaints about a piece of meat when he publicly insulted most of the world in the 13 years of run-time of Top Gear?
73. How the hell was Jack Torrence alive in 1924 in the film "The Shining" if he's a mortal human?
74. Why is a toilet called a "john"?
75. While we're at it, how do toilets work?
76. Why is Wednesday called "First Saturday"?
77. What on earth happened at the end of "Avengers: Infinity War"?
78. Why did athletes in Roman and Greek times compete naked?
79. Did Shakespeare really write his own poems?
80. Why didn't the captains on the Titanic listen to the boatmen's warnings of imminent impact with the iceberg?
81. How many miles to Babylon?
82. Why are there so many volcanoes around the South Pacific Ocean?
83. Who dictates street names?
84. What is the most played song on radio of all time?
85. Why are most comedians drawn to filthy jokes?
86. Why does time fly when you're having fun?
87. How many people have died playing video games?
88. How many people have lived on earth so far?
89. Who put the alphabet in math?
90. How many hours in total have been spent on playing World of Warcraft since it was launched in 2004?
91. What psychological effects does wall-colour have on the human brain in the work space?
92. What are voice vibrations called when someone sings?
93. What's the funniest joke ever told?
94. How many websites exist on the internet?
95. Why are most bosses tyrants?
96. How many films have ever been made?
97. Who caused the "Blackout" in the film "Blade Runner 2049"?
98. In the sci-fi game "SOMA", why do the  proxies want to kill the rest of the crew on Pathos 2 if the WAU's instructions is to preserve life?
99. Why do people risk their lives playing rugby?
100. Why?

The point I have gotten from this exercise was to read. Next time I will be:
rekindling something I have neglected by progressing in the poetic epic, "Paradise Lost".

Good night!

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